Liebster award? Huh?

I guess this is a thing! I was nominated by two really cool bloggers for the Liebster award. Carmen is writing a really inventive and cool fantasy novel on her blog. I highly encourage everyone to check it out. Scott is sharing his worldly experiences, and he’s a pretty funny guy. Definitely pay his blog a visit. So, what you’re supposed to do is thank the blogger(s) who nominated you, answer their questions, write your own, and nominate 10 other bloggers with under 500 followers. Well, most of the blogs I follow have already been nominated multiple times. So, one and all, feel free to answer my film-themed questions 🙂

Carmen’s questions:

1. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? 
I scalded the crap out of my hands this morning trying to make tea, so I don’t want to be near heat for a while now.

2. What is your favourite genre of novel?
Fantasy, historical fiction and non-fiction, mystery. I do like a good science fiction book now and then.

3. If you could have a superpower what would it be?
The ability to shoot food out of my fingertips. World/personal hunger problems solved.

4. Would you rather meet a ghost or an alien?
A ghost. I’m fascinated by anything related to the paranormal.

5. Flowers or trees?
Trees! So majestic!

6. What is your favourite animal?
Baby elephants, baby orangutans, dik-diks and pudus! So anything that looks like a cartoon.

7. What is one cause or organization that you support?
I really try to make conscious decisions when shopping for beauty and skincare products. Cruelty-free is the way to be!

8. When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up?
So many things. A figure skater (I can’t really skate), an orthodontist (why… I’ll never know), Hermione Granger.

9. Do you have a lucky number?
Not really!

10. What are you obsessed with?
Currently… I’m trying to plan a trip to Disneyworld and it’s consuming my life!

11. And finally, what is your major life goal?
To write about movies professionally… or create really messed up horror movies and have everyone love, yet fear me.

Scott’s questions:

1) What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Favourite: black, blue, purple. Least favourite: anything pastel.

2) What do you notice first about the opposite gender?
I notice a person’s style first, regardless of gender. I’m shallow. Whatever.

3) What is your favorite movie and why? (I’m sure Devin will have fun with this one)
Refer to this. Or The Lord of the Rings. The first time I saw FOTR I was in the fourth grade and I was so amazed by it, I faked sick the next day so I could watch it again on VHS. That’s when my love affair with Middle Earth started.

4) What upcoming or recently released movie do you most want to see?
I really want to check out Filth. Because James McAvoy.

 5) If you could have any animal as a pet, and you didn’t have to worry about the cost or difficulty in taking care of it, what would you choose?
A North American House Hippo.

6) Which sport is your favorite to play? To watch?
The only organized sport I play is soccer. I love to ski. I don’t ever watch sports, but I guess I’d pick hockey, because there’s usually beer involved.

7) Which website do you go on the most?
Definitely Reddit.

8) If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, where would you choose?
Probably Sushi Wasabi. Best sushi in Edmonton, hands down.

9) What is something about you that most people don’t know or wouldn’t expect?
I’ve broken my nose three times. In really, really stupid ways. My septum is so twisted and damaged that I can sometimes barely breathe through my nose.

10) What is your biggest fear or the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Daddy long legs. Hands. Down. I had a traumatic childhood experience.

11) What’s the funniest joke you can think of off the top of your head?
What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Woah, you smell carrots too?!


Okay, everyone answer these 🙂 I look forward to learning about everyone!

1. What was the first film you ever saw in theaters?

2. Is there an actor/director you can’t stand, that everyone else seems to like? On the flip side, is there someone you love that you think deserves more credit?

3. What is your movie-watching ritual?

4. If you could take any job in the film industry, what would it be and why?

5. You’re about to show someone their very first movie (they live in a cave, or something…). What do you choose?

6. Have you ever gone to the theater alone? Would you ever? Why or why not?

7. Which actor would you chose to play yourself in a movie about your life? They don’t have to look like you. Or even be the same gender!

8. Who do you go to for advice on movies? Is there a critic/friend you totally trust?

9. If you could have dinner with anyone in the film industry, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

10. What movie are you ashamed to admit you have never seen?

11. And lastly… what is your favourite Christmas movie and why is it Die Hard?


April 9, 2014 · 1:06 am

3 responses to “Liebster award? Huh?

  1. How did I know you were going to say Lord of the Rings? But I would/will definitely read anything you write about movies! I love how you combine insight with personal responses, and I always want to watch the movie after you talk about it. Anyways, I guess I could/should answer your questions too.

    1. No idea. The first film I remember seeing in theaters is Finding Nemo, which came out in…(pause for googling)…May 2003. So I was 8.

    2. I don’t find Judd Apatow movies funny. I mean, I get the humor, but it just never makes me laugh.

    3. Decide “I want to watch a movie.” Go to Netflix. Scroll through the 200 titles on my list. Decide on movie. Watch 2 minutes of movie. Switch movies. (repeat several times). Pause movie 15 minutes in and get pop & snacks. Watch movie.

    4. Oh gosh. Acting would be insanely cool, but it might be hard to work around my hearing aids. I would also love to direct or write movies. Or a TV show. If I ever get famous or gain any sort of influence, my goal is to make the Ender’s Game series into a TV series, because those are my favorite books and that movie was the worst thing ever.

    5. Princess Bride. Hands down.

    6. Several times, because sometimes my friends are busy and I want to see a movie on my one free night. I would rather go with someone, but I have no problem being alone. My family thinks I’m weird, but they don’t go to movies with me either.

    7. I have been told I look like Chris Evans, so that’s an option. Kevin Spacey is my favorite actor, so I would love to see that. But then again, Daniel Day-Lewis. If I do a gender swap, seeing Emma Stone or Scarlett Johansson play me would be so confusing.

    8. Well, after this semester, you. Aside from that, not really. I read IGN’s reviews sometimes.

    9. These are hard but awesome questions! Kevin Spacey. But Heath Ledger is definitely up there. Same with Christopher Nolan.

    10. I have never seen a lot of movies, but one that I definitely need to see is Die Hard.

    11. Well…this is awkward.

  2. Die Hard really is a great movie ha. While you were Sleeping is up there too. How would you answer 2 and 10 btw? Hope the Disneyland planning is going well.

    • I’ve always been into horror movies, so I think working with a modern horror director like Eli Roth or Rob Zombie would be a really interesting experience. I would also love to work with Shane Carruth or Charlie Kaufman. Or James Cameron, because then he could take me to the bottom of the ocean in his submarine.

      I am very ashamed to admit that I have not seen The Godfather Pt. 2 or Apocalypse Now in its entirety 😦

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